How to lower your car payment
Buying a new car is fun, but what happens if you bite off more than you can chew on that new payment? Is there a way to lower your payment so you can afford that dream car and have the…
Buying a new car is fun, but what happens if you bite off more than you can chew on that new payment? Is there a way to lower your payment so you can afford that dream car and have the…
Are you sick of your old car? Does it make you feel “bleh” when you get into it? Do you wish you had a nicer car to show off to the world? These might seem like good reasons to trade…
Paying off your car loan early can give you a lot of financial advantages and isn’t too difficult to get started on. If you’re eager to get your loan paid off early we’ve prepared some tips for you to try…
If you have bumps or bruises on your credit, like millions of Americans, you might be wondering how to improve your credit so you can make larger purchases, or even necessary ones. Credit repair describes the process of cleaning up…
Wouldn’t it be great to take a day or two off work and just hop in the car and head out on a road trip without worrying about expenses? Well, with this summer savings guide, you might be able to…
Shopping for cars can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. When you’re at the dealership and you’re talking with the salesperson about your trade-in, they might mention some terms you’re not familiar with. Keeping this in mind, here…
April is National Financial Literacy Month. It’s a reminder for us all to take a moment and focus on goals for the year ahead. Maybe you’d like to save up for a family vacation or a new car? Taking a…
When you owe more than your vehicle is worth, also known as a negative equity position, but still intend to trade in, then planning your next steps will help you to get the most out of the deal.* Learn how…
Keeping up with payments is an essential part of managing your money, but it isn’t always easy. A change in circumstances, such as with a job, the arrival of medical bills or a rise in the cost of living, may…
Upside down. It’s a position you usually want to avoid unless you’re a gymnast or a daredevil, but we aim to give you six ways to help you keep from going upside-down in your next vehicle purchase. Negative equity, or…